Intl Aegean Conference on Electrical Machines & Power Electronics / Intl Conference on Optimization of Electrical & Electronic Equipment and Intl Symposium on Advanced Electromechanical Motion Systems - 2015 ACEMP/OPTIM/ELECTROMOTION, Side (Turkey). 02-04 September 2015
In this paper the optimal placement of Static Var Compensator (SVC) in presence of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) Parking is proposed with a novel hybrid technique. In this method two-step optimization process is implemented. Firstly optimal location and charge-discharge schedule of two PHEVs parking is executed in three different penetration levels by PSO (Particle Swarm Optimization), secondly optimal location and sizing of two SVC is specified by CSA (Cuckoo Search Algorithm) optimization method. The main objective in first step is minimizing energy loss and daily load profile fluctuations in the distribution network based on available information about the price of electricity. Objective function in second step is improving voltage deviation and reduction cost of SVCs allocation besides reduction of energy loss. The feasibility and efficiency of the proposed method is demonstrated with IEEE 34 Node Test Feeder.
Publication date: 2015-09-02.
S. Rezaeian-Marjani, M. Gheibi, V. Talavat, M. Farsadi, A novel hybrid intelligent method for static var compensator placement in distribution network with plug-in hybrid electrical vehicles parking, Intl Aegean Conference on Electrical Machines & Power Electronics / Intl Conference on Optimization of Electrical & Electronic Equipment and Intl Symposium on Advanced Electromechanical Motion Systems - 2015 ACEMP/OPTIM/ELECTROMOTION, Side (Turkey). 02-04 September 2015.